Sunday, January 09, 2005

Life Groups Sunday

This gathering was a focus on Life Groups. One of Watermark's core values is life groups. A life group is an group that gets together to do life together. I was asked to share about our group. It was cut at the last minute because of some scheduling issues. But had I spoke this is what i would have said. Three points.

Number one: My life group has a support function to it. We gather on Sunday evenings and we have a book we discuss. But it is more than that. We try to live life together. For us, we pray for one another. We challenge one another. We laugh and sometimes cry together. It is important to develop these levels of relationship. A safe place to open up. In addition, out of this group, i have an accountability group that meets. These are two guys who challenge me deeply. They ask hard questions about my life: thought life, prayer life, what am i doing when i am alone, how are things financially, what about becca. These are important; that iron sharpening iron thing.

Number two: we have adopted a family in Allendale. Because of watermark, Jeff got connected to a lady who knows a family in Allendale who is really struggling. Not to go into much detail, but we really want to help this family as much as possible. The family has real difficulty. One way is we are planning an indoor garage sale, with the proceeds going to help this family. One of our groupies has a heated pole barn where they hold garage sales all winter along. They say it is always very successful. We are looking for people to donate items to the sale. In fact, if you would like to help, contact Jeff Johnson or myself.

Number three: we serve together. We have a commection with International Aid. IA provides help for people in need. With the stuff going on in SE Asia right now, they are in full swing and need help. As a group we went out there Wednesday night and repackaged stuff. It was cool to get together and do that. I am sure our little part has an impact long term. We will be going back this week to continue.

I love my group. the relationships i am developing are awesome and i really enjoy going & participating. Jeff & Steve do a great job of leading. Jess and Kathy do a get job of hospitality.

That's for now. I have a Monoploy game to finish with the Boo.


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