Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I was talking with a friend the other day. He had commented that he had read my blog and wanted to be more like me in his intentional relationships. I said what the.....I did not realize that people actually read this mess and some are even influenced by it.

So I starting thinking - which is usually a bad thing for me but - that I am no one special. I am a new creation in Christ. Not because of something I did but because of what He did. So then I was thinking, what would I pass on to others not as far down the path as I am. Learn. Read. Pray. Worship. And look for opportunities.I am not the person I am today because of something magical, but because of the experiences I have had.

So I stopped for gas this morning on my way to work. The gal behind the counter was someone I had not seen in a long time. It was cool to reconnect with her. She was sharing she is taking classes at SLWC. And I came up in conversation. Now, at this point, a million things run thru my mind. WoW. The insecurity that follow. I said whut? She commented that one of the pastors was talking a situation while I was on staff there. It was the 1st time I went to an "on call" situation. As a staff member at church, you have to opportunity to minister. One way was the "on call" phone. This is a cell phone that people could call if they are struggling or need prayer or to talk to a pastor. Guy, I hated that phone. I was intimidating for me. Insecurity, yada yada. What would I say if someone need prayer????? Anyway, This was the 1st pregnancy I went to and this pastor was with me. Now Pastor Pete is a great guy. I have benefited from my relationship with him, his insight and his wisdom. So he and I went on this call together. We barely made it in, prayed and out before she had that baby. In fact, the dad barely made it.

WOW. How to tie all this up? The fact of the matter is this. I am the person I am today because of hundreds of growing and teaching moments in my life. God has provided people and situations to cause me to grow - much of the time while I am kicking and screaming. I have resolved myself to certain things. One of them is serving. I look for the opportunity and do it.

Get immersed.

Ranting and raving,

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